Sunday, 20 October 2013

Bemo's, Beautiful Smiles & J.Bieber

*Kota Ambon has a gazillion-whatever Bemo's in all colours, riding through- and from Kota Ambon to all kinds of locations and back. Their all stacked with people and it's never enough when you think the bemo is full and ready for a ride, there's is allways room for one more and a huge bag of rice and/or a box with a living chicken.

Normally I get into a riding Bemo so I'm sure that it's not getting more stacked then it allready is. But one time I caught myself on getting into a Bemo that waited at Mardika station for passengers, it waited so long that the Bemo turned into a sauna and instead driving home people could swim home in their wet clothes. Anyhow I'm pretty tolerant but that moment I felt like I was the most dirties person in the world that really needed a shower ASAP. Not because of an obnoxious smell but more the idea having other people sweat rubbed onto me, Yikes! The weird part is that of all these rides I've taking I couldn't caught anyone smelling badly?! What's up with that?!
I've been travelling a lot and allways had to accept all kinds of (bad)smells from people. It kept me busy each time I got into a Bemo. Even the hitsingle "Baby" from Justin Bieber that was busting through each huge speaker in every Bemo and got sang along by schoolkids couldn't get me of the thought. Eventhough Ambonese people have so little they are very clean, washing themselfs couple of times a day. And Ambonese allways keep on smiling even when they have to wait a half a day to get a ride!

*Kota = City


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