Sunday, 14 April 2013

It takes more to tell then to explain...

I'm the 3rd generation of a great Moluccan community living in the Netherlands for allready 61 years. The greater is it's history, the more we carry the less we orginate. (Unfortunatly it takes more to tell then to explain)

During the annual Hari Peringatan on April 12th we dwell on the death of Christiaan Soumokil  the former president of the R.M.S (Republic Moluccan South). Motorcyclists from around the country participate in the Peringatan Ride Out every year by making a tour by several Moluccan districts throughout the Netherlands. In each district the motorcyclists have a one minute silence after hoisting the R.M.S flag. The collected money will be used to financially support the families of the imprisoned and give focus on the inhumanities caused by the Indonesian authorities.

Inhumanities caused by the Indonesian authorities? Something that sounds infamiliar for most of you but may I suggest you take some time and read one of the above hyperlinks and get youself informed in what's (still) going on outside your safe home. Thank you!


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